Getting college in order has been a nightmare!
The program I wanted to take (health information management) had a three year wait list, and I am not willing to wait that long to take a program for a job that I just settled for in the first place. So now I have to choose something else. I'm looking into paralegal, automotive tech. HVAC, or photography. I'm just really frustrated, I've been there everyday this week for about 4 hours a day. It's a really long drive to downtown, and all I've managed to accomplish was getting signed up for some classes, which are pointless classes since I haven't picked a major yet. Oh and, no one cared to tell me that the financial aid deadline is august 2nd, which is MONDAY!!!!! I didn't have to take my placement test by the way, since the scores I had from taking it last year were still valid. You know, I think college just isn't for some people, but, I'm going to give it a try.
Joey is still in basic, I can't wait until I get to see him in September. He sends me letters all the time, I just got two in the mail today, poor him, he must be really bored lol. It is sweet though, and very much appreciated.
After much delay, my little sister is coming home in a few hours! Yay! My grandmother decided to stay home in Tennessee, and my Aunt Carole (who is bringing Kate home) is going to spend the weekend with us! We may go to Caesars Creek if it's not too hot. Caesar's Creek really isn't a creek so much as a huge puddle lol. But it is alot of fun, there's a beach, and lots of clay deposits at the bottom of the swimming hole, so I always load up on clay and bring it home to make stuff :)
I had a job interview at the library yesterday, it was the weirdest interview I have ever done. I had to organize all these cards and books according to the Dewey Decimal System in a certain amount of time, and that wasn't easy with a fractured wrist lol. Oh yeah, I fractured my wrist. My kitten, Alice, likes to play in the water bowl in the kitchen, and I was running and slipped in her puddle :P Anyway, I won't know if I got the job until the end of August, but I think I made a good impression, so my hopes are high.
Mark, to answer your question, yes, most people here have air conditioning. Almost everyone in this town have central air, including myself, which is very nice lol. My poor Dad though, his house is really old, built in the 1800's, and has no central air, and the wiring isn't good enough to even have a window air conditioner. It sucks when it gets so hot, I have asthma so when it gets really bad I can't go outside :( Anyway, glad to hear you're going on vaca, hope you have fun! And I hope it's nice and moderate :) lol.
So, best wishes to everyone!
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College, Katelyn, and A/C